Success comes from stability. At McHenry County Housing Authority, we not only unlock the doors to affordable housing, we provide wraparound services needed in our community to keep people stably housed.
Working with our partners, we address the current and long-term needs of McHenry County residents through a number of programs, including housing, dental care, energy efficiency programs, rental assistance and home repair services.
The section 8 program would not exist without our partner landlords. The Housing Choice Voucher Program and its’ landlords help families afford decent, stable housing, avoid homelessness, and make ends meet.
We exist to assist low-income individuals and families to maintain an affordable, sanitary, and decent living environment, and to provide them with the means to avoid crisis situations and achieve economic independence.
McHenry County Housing Authority is no longer administering an owner occupied home rehabilitation program. However, please see below for information about other programs being offered in McHenry County that may benefit homeowners.
The McHenry County Community Development Division is offering up to $30,000 in grant funds to help create Lead Safe Homes in McHenry County. Please contact Connie Jensen at , or call 815-334-4088. Click below for more information and learn how to apply:
Lead Safe Homes Brochure – new brochures coming soon!