Resources for Section 8 Applicants & Current Clients

Voucher Programs

Applicants and clients can now view the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program briefing and Project-Based Voucher (PBV) program briefing on YouTube. The links to view the briefings are:

HCV Program Briefing

PBV Program Briefing


Background Check

Download Background Check Form

Section 8 Admin Plan 

Download Section 8 Administrative Plan


Waiting List Status

Check your status on all of our waiting lists, EXCEPT GreenTrees of Huntley and SilverTrees of Richmond.

Waiting List Lookup


Current Address Requirements

All applicants must keep a current address on file. MCHA will occasionally mail documents or letters to a family requiring their response to remain on the waiting list. If you fail to respond to an MCHA mailing, you will be removed from the waiting list.

Edit Contact Information Tool

By using our Edit Contact Information tool, families will be able to update their contact information for all waiting lists other than GreenTrees and SilverTrees.

After entering your full name and social security number, you will be able to edit your email, phone number, and address. Any other changes, such as a name change or adding/removing family members from your pre-application, must still be done in writing by completing a

Are you on the Public Housing waiting list, and have a change of information to report?
You can download the Change of Information form (see “links” section).  Completed forms can be brought to the office, mailed, or emailed to [email protected]. It is strongly suggested that you contact Noel DeLaurentis, Public Housing Manager, at 815/338-7752 X143 after you send in a change of information form to verify that your form was received.

To check information regarding your place on the waiting list or print a pre-application, please click on this link: “open waiting lists”.  On this page, you can enter your social security number in the “waiting list lookup tool” on the right side of the page and get information about your status.

Completed applications can be brought or mailed to:
McHenry County Housing Authority
1125 Mitchell Court
Crystal Lake, IL, 60014, or emailed to [email protected].